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How to Reduce Volatile Organic Compounds in Your Indoor Air

How to Reduce Volatile Organic Compounds in Your Indoor Air

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) constitute a serious health risk for Carrollton, GA, homeowners, but it’s not a risk you need to accept. By following a few simple tips, you can improve your home’s indoor air quality and cast out these harmful contaminants.

Practice Proper VOC Source Control

So, why are household VOCs such a widespread hazard? In part, it’s because they’re produced by common products and materials you likely encounter daily. From paints and cleaning solutions to gas stoves and furniture, sources of VOCs are ubiquitous in most homes. To reduce your exposure, try to cut down on as many of these sources as you can. Whenever possible, store them away from your primary living space. In addition, look for a “low-VOC” or “zero-VOC” label when shopping for products known to emit volatile compounds.

Invest in High-Quality Air Purification

Understanding where volatile organic compounds come from is crucial, but it’s not realistic to eliminate all possible VOC sources. Luckily, there are other ways to protect yourself and your family. Perhaps the simplest and most effective solution is to install a dedicated air purifier. Unlike traditional air filters, air purifiers are purpose-built to neutralize even the most elusive airborne pollutants without impacting your HVAC system’s airflow.

Clear the Air with Whole-House Ventilation

If you can’t stop all VOCs from entering your home, why not flush them out? That’s precisely the idea behind whole-house ventilators. Many homes today are designed to be airtight and energy-efficient, which has the unfortunate side effect of sealing in polluted air. A whole-house ventilator can correct this problem, circulating fresh air through your home while exhausting old, contaminated air. This continuously refreshes your indoor environment, ensuring VOCs aren’t able to build up to dangerous concentrations.

To ensure your home is fully protected against volatile organic compounds VOCs, just call the specialists at Merrell & Associates. From air quality testing to advanced filtration and ventilation systems, we’ve got everything you need to achieve optimal indoor air quality.

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