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Running Out of Hot Water Too Quickly?


Suddenly running out of hot water is never a pleasant experience, especially if it happens during a bath or shower. Unfortunately, loss of hot water is one of the most common plumbing problems in the Carrollton, GA area. In some cases, it’s simply because your water tank isn’t big enough to meet your family’s needs. Often, however, it’s an indication that you may need a water heater replacement or repair. Here are the most common reasons water heaters may suddenly run out of hot water.

Sediment Buildup

One of the most common reasons you may need a new water heater is excessive sediment buildup in the tank. Sediment is composed of silt, rust, and other minerals in your water that are deposited in the tank over time. This can reduce your tank’s capacity and cause it to work less efficiently. In addition to hot water loss, sediment buildup may also cause your water heater to make odd noises or leak in the area of the TPR valve.

Broken or Malfunctioning Dip Tube

A dip tube is a long, slender tube that carries cold water to the bottom of a water tank. In a functioning water heater, the water is transported downward and then heated. In some cases, however, this dip tube may break or otherwise malfunction. This prevents cold water from reaching the heating element and disrupts the operation of the water heater. The surest sign of a dip tube problem is the appearance of small bits of plastic in your faucet, shower head, or elsewhere in your water system.

The average lifespan for water heaters is around 10 to 13 years. Frequent loss of hot water is a common sign that your water heater may be nearing the end of its service life. To learn more about whether a water heater replacement may be right for you, check out Merrell & Associates’ water heater services or call 770-872-4171. Don’t forget to also inquire about our tankless water heater services.

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