Sometimes it can be hard to tell whether you should keep putting money into repairing HVAC equipment or just replace it. There are a number of factors to consider when faced with this decision, from where you live and how often you use your system to changes in the market and environmental regulations. Everyone has their own set of unique circumstances and priorities that will also influence their decision.
Replacing your home’s heating or air conditioning system is a substantial investment, so it’s easy to understand why many people struggle with the issue. Of course, when people find themselves doing so, it’s because they’ve experienced noticeable increases in their utility costs, lower performance, frequent repairs, or all of the above. If this sounds familiar, it would probably be best to take the plunge and get a new system.
The ban on the importation and production of refrigerant along with the uncertainty of how the recently enacted tariffs will affect market prices will certainly factor into the decision for many. However, that doesn’t mean that you should rush off and buy a new system just because you’ve had to have it repaired a few times before. Even the best HVAC systems will need to be repaired from time to time.
It’s important to call a licensed, insured and qualified professional to deal with any HVAC repair or replacement situation, like Merrell & Associates. Call our team today to learn more.