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Winter Indoor Air Quality Solutions

Although indoor air quality is a major year-round concern, there are distinct differences between winter and summer conditions in the home. Improving the indoor air during the winter is specifically related to climate conditions and home heating. From monitoring a home’s heating system for dangerous emissions to keeping the humidity levels proper, there are several solutions for better winter indoor air quality.

Improve Winter Indoor Air

  • Humidifiers: Since cold air holds only half as much moisture as hot air, there is a significant drop in humidity levels during the wintertime. Skin becomes a bit drier and lips may chap. The body’s mucous membranes also become dry. This erodes the body’s immune system and leads to winter coughs and colds. Indoor humidity levels should be between 30 and 50 percent during both winter and summer. You can purchase a hygrometer to measure the humidity level of your home during the winter. If additional moisture is needed, a humidifier is an excellent solution. These fan-powered units work in tandem with the furnace system and add moisture directly into the ducts. They are also energy efficient and quiet.
  • Ventilators: While it makes sense to tightly seal the home to reduce winter utility bills, this can amplify the home’s indoor air pollution during the winter. For a good balance between ventilation and sealing, an energy recovery ventilator (ERV) is an effective solution. These systems exhaust the polluted indoor air out of the home and draw clean air into the home. These components also recover a lot of the heat that moves out of the home and keep the heating load to a minimum. As a result, ERVs are highly energy efficient.
  • Air Purification Systems: There are many whole-house air purification systems that don’t just filter air but capture and kill winter airborne pathogens like viruses, bacteria, mold and other allergens. Some of these systems purify the indoor air up to eight times an hour. Air purification systems are an effective solution for good indoor air during the winter.
  • Seasonal Tune-Up: Before cranking up your gas-powered furnace for the winter, it should be inspected and adjusted with a tune-up by an HVAC technician. Problems with heat exchangers, venting equipment and other components can lead to the emission of carbon monoxide. The duct system should also be properly maintained as emissions can enter the home through leaks in the ductwork.

HVAC Products and Services with Merrell & Associates in Villa Rica, GA

At Merrell & Associates, we have all the air quality products to ramp up winter indoor air quality. Choose from our wide variety of air quality systems, such as humidifiers, ERVs, air purifiers and UV lamps. Our state-of-the-art air quality systems are manufactured by top brands and come with excellent warranties. For more information about good air quality, be sure to contact our office.

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